Bob Dylan Examiner’s 70th Birthday Countdown – Seth Rogovoy

Monday, March 21st, 2011

I was honored to be featured as #69 in the 70-day countdown to Bob Dylan’s 70th birthday, which takes place on May 24, 2011, on the Bob Dylan Examiner.

Story behind “When the Ship Comes In” revealed (Bob Dylan Examiner)

Friday, August 13th, 2010

thebookThe Bob Dylan Examiner digs deep into the back story of how Bob Dylan came to write “When the Ship Comes In.” In so doing, the Examiner quotes extensively from my analysis of the song’s conceptual, imagistic and lyrical debt to the Bible.

Bob Dylan’s Passover history – from Bob Dylan Examiner

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Today’s post on Bob Dylan Examiner recounts Dylan’s long relationship with the holiday being celebrated around the world tonight. The Examiner also asked for my own comments on Dylan’s reliance on the Passover story in song, which begins with “When the Ship Comes In” and extends throughout his career, including so-called Christian songs like “When He Returns” and “Saved” and, more recently, “Thunder on the Mountain,” the kickoff track of Modern Times.

When Bob Dylan Accepted a Lifetime Grammy Award by Reciting a Jewish Prayer

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

Bob Dylan book jacket.for twitterThe Bob Dylan Examiner explores a bit of Bob Dylan history, recounting the head-scratching moment when Dylan accepted his Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award in 1991 with an obscure recitation of a commentary on the Hebrew psalm 27. The Examiner kindly reprints my explication of this great moment in rock history from BOB DYLAN: Prophet Mystic Poet, and includes rare video footage of Dylan’s amazing speech, in which he quotes from memory commentary from an Orthodox Jewish prayerbook.

Author Interview on Part 2

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

On the day of publication of BOB DYLAN: Prophet, Mystic, Poet, Bob Dylan columnist Harold Lepidus files the second of his two-part interview with Seth Rogovoy.